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Intravenous Therapy

London Natural Therapies

Infusion therapy is an important component of natural medicine and invaluable to easily and profoundly restore health and vitality, especially in chronic diseases, long standing nutrient deficiencies and digestive and absorption problems. 

It involves using cocktails containing vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients that get transfused straight into the vein (used as a drip). 

The great advantage of this therapy is that it bypasses the whole digestive tract, which often has a compromised absorption ability and can cause multiple nutritional deficiencies. The infused nutrients go directly into the blood stream, where they provide nourishment to every cell in the body. 

Very often, in chronic and depleted conditions, high blood levels of key nutrients are required (for example vitamin C) in order for the immune system or other organs in the body to respond in the way needed to overcome certain conditions and to provide the system with the dose of nutrients required to start the healing process.

Even if the digestive system functions perfectly, there is a limit to the oral absorption for every nutrient, beyond which, even if taking higher doses orally, this will just be excreted but will not lead to a further increase in absorption. 
For example, if infusing 7.5g of vitamin C this will give blood levels 10 times as high than supplementing orally with 15g throughout the day.

Infusion therapy is a unique, fast and efficient way to give the whole body a boost and raise vitality, immunity and organ function safely and profoundly.

The infusion cocktail can be tailor made according to the patient’s needs, it can contain:

  • Vitamins, minerals and trace elements (for example vitamin C, Zinc and Selenium for the immune system, potassium and magnesium to support heart function)
  • Homeopathic remedies to support organ functions and to improve conditions (for example to support nervous system, heart function, liver detox or treat allergies)
  • Amino acids as vital building blocks for weakness and chronic exhaustion, absorption problems, to raise energy and for athletes to help with muscle building and improve sports performance
  • Alkalising remedies to help to reduce systemic inflammation, reduce high acidity levels which are usually present in chronic conditions with inflammation.
  • High dose antioxidants like curcumin and lipoic acid to improve cellular function and reduce oxidative stress, which is raised in chronic and inflammatory conditions and with degenerative diseases
  • Amino acids and precursors for the nervous system to improve function, re-balance and calm – also offering a ‘NERVOUS SYSTEM RE-SET’ as injection: effectively re-balancing the overactivated sympathetic nervous system (fight-and-flight-mode) and the underfunctioning parasympathetic nervous system (calming, relaxing, regenerating, repairing). Has an immediate de-stress effect and helps to shift the nervous system back into balance and also addresses the endocrine imbalance (adrenal burn-out, thyroid problems etc).
  • RNA Cell Regeneration & Live Cell Therapy – RNA Regeneresen Therapy is an advanced form of cell therapy using the biological RNA nucleic substance to repair or replace damaged or destroyed cells in the human body. As our body breaks down with age, it begins to lose this RNA. As a result, health related problems such as fatigue, memory loss begin to show up. RNA Regeneresen is prepared in Europe under strict controls. It is a simple, safe and effective method of repairing and replicating ageing or damaged cells.
  • Whole Thymus Extract Therapy – Thymus is considered the master gland of the immune system. If the thymus were to become less functional with time, it would have two consequences. First, the rate of overall T-cell activation would decline, greatly weakening the versatility of the adaptive immune system. Two, self-tolerance would start to break down, leading to an increased risk of progressive, immune-mediated tissue damage if not outright autoimmune disease. Thus, many of the most common chronic diseases and eventual causes of death, with a few exceptions (such as accidents, the effects of a poor diet, toxic exposures, etc.), could theoretically be explained by a reduction in thymus activity. Even cancer, when not due to an obvious carcinogenic exposure, could be explained as failed immune surveillance and tumour suppression by the adaptive immune system. The thymus extract therapy is one of the most popular and safest ways to boost your immune system.

We provide a unique selection of high potency IV cocktails that only a very few clinics worldwide offer. All IV ingredients are German pharmacy manufactured and of the highest standard with proven efficacy. A lot of these IV cocktails are only available at LondonNaturalTherapies in the UK. We offer: * Resveratrol/curcumin IV – very potent systemic anti-inflammatory, restorative to neurovascular system, cardio-protective, *Olive water extract IV- very high in polyphenols, affinity to the urogenital tract, improves prostate health and libido related problems, * CoQ10 IV- instant energy to every cell of the body, potent revitalisation, cardio-vascular support, *MSM IV- potent anti-inflammatory, improves joint health, supports skin and nail health, gives radiance, *activated glutathione IV – key anti-oxidant in the body, far superior to standard glutathione – up to 8 times as effective and stays in the body much longer, key anti-aging agent in the cells