+44 7952865430 - *urgent enquiries: +44 7928109034 - bookings@londonnaturaltherapies.co.uk* info@londonnaturaltherapies.co.uk


London Natural Therapies
Katrin - London Natural Therapies

Katrin Hempel

I am an energetic, enthusiastic and experienced naturopathic doctor with a great passion and commitment to the health and well-being of my patients.

I always had an interest in medicine and healing and have been working in the health industry for more than 20 years including working for London Institute of Neurology as a biomedical scientist. After obtaining a degree as medical scientist in Germany in 1998 I moved to Australia, where I studied Naturopathy, Herbalism, Homoeopathy, Nutrition and Iridology, qualifying as a Naturopathic Doctor and obtaining a bachelor degree in Health Science.

Looking for new challenges and to further my skills and education I moved to the UK, working as a natural therapist, whilst regularly travelling to Germany and other European countries to gain more skills and knowledge. I am collaborating with many highly experienced and skilled therapists in different countries to draw from a vast pool of knowledge for the best of all my clients.

I specialize in bioresonance to provide fast, accurate and in-depth diagnostics, which is extremely useful to detect exactly where the problems and imbalances lie. Based on these results I can compose an individual tailor-made treatment plan for each client, we use highly potent therapies like ozone and infusion therapy, that will shift even complicated and chronic cases.

I am forever learning and gaining more knowledge in all areas of natural and integrated medicine by regularly attending conferences / seminars and workshops worldwide.

I am forever striving to provide the utmost of professional and exceptional care to every individual client.