+44 7952865430 - *urgent enquiries: +44 7928109034 - bookings@londonnaturaltherapies.co.uk* info@londonnaturaltherapies.co.uk


London Natural Therapies

The main goal of the Fertility Consultation is to not only teach you how to understand and communicate with your body, but also provide you with an action plan of how to make changes to your current lifestyle in order to maximise your chances of natural conception.

The main goal of the Fertility Consultation is to not only teach you how to understand and communicate with your body, but also provide you with an action plan of how to make changes to your current lifestyle in order to maximise your chances of natural conception.

Despite the fact that there are many drug treatments for infertility, we at London Natural Therapies use a non-drug approach. Our treatments entail a combined use of healthy nutrition, holistic therapies and the latest medical advances to improve your health and quality of life on all levels.

Infertility seems to be affecting more couples than ever – one in six now have difficulty in conceiving. A wide range of holistic approaches have been used to such good effect.

Nowadays, much infertility is ‘unexplained’ which indicates that the most important thing is to address the underlying factors, that includes: nutritional deficiencies, toxin exposure, hormone imbalances, immune deficiencies, stress, unidentified health conditions, allergies and food intolerances.

If these underlying factors are present and corrected then successful pregnancy is more likely.

With our bioresonance scan we can quickly and easily detect any present underlying problems for infertility and recurrent miscarriages like high toxin accumulation, auto-immune processes, poor female/male reproductive health and endocrine imbalances which can have a significant effect on fertility and cause life long infertility. We offer highly effective treatments to shift these underlying problems quickly and make lasting, measurable improvements in egg and sperm quality. We had great success using highly specialized IV drips to address these issues, as well as ozone therapy, which helps to improve egg and sperm quality, detox the whole body safely, improves any chronic/acute inflammatory pelvic conditions in women and men and also helps to thicken thin endometrial lining to ensure successful egg implantation and a healthy pregnancy carried to term.

Recurrent miscarriages can often be linked to low progesterone levels, auto-immune processes and stress – all these factors can be addressed by our treatments.




Please contact us for more information.