The magical benefits of Ultra-High Dose Ozone Therapy.
When we were in London in June, we had four doses of Ultra High-Dose Ozone (HDO) therapy, also known as 10pass IV ozone therapy, and another two doses when we were there in November. Our goal and personal
resolution for 2020 is to have 20 treatments and every year thereafter. Unfortunately, not many places offer it.
One of our friends sought our advice on a serious health problem. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with severe tinnitus that had reached the unbearable stage. I suggested he try HDO. He flew to London to meet with
our therapist, Katrin Hempel of London Natural Therapies, and summarized his experience as follows:
Katrin is so impressive and with great knowledge.
She articulated to me what was primarily wrong inside of 40 minutes.
After my working with some 12 doctors over 13 months who could not figure anything out.
My vagus nerve was severely imbalanced, from what I believe was a nominal recovery from a really bad flu some 18 months ago.
Toxins, bacteria and virus left over in the lymphatic system weakened my immune system—adrenals were shot—everything you have written about and we’ve talked about at your Sun Valley house during the conference on stress—gave me a huge negative feedback loop that took my existing tinnitus and made it unbearable. That is when I emailed you and then pinged Katrin. I have never felt that bad before and I noted my decline daily to my wife…something was wrong, but we could not figure it out!
I feel better today than I have in years…and I can now “feel” getting better by the day. Incredible.
Everything you have written about and discussed at length is spot on with regards to stress and how a complication of events can lead to such extremes. I was lucky to have figured this out in time with you and Katrin—for that I am forever grateful.
Katrin said western medicine is ten years behind her work and I would agree.
I would add (as you also have written) that without the love for my wife and hers for me I (we) would not have survived. This past year was that hard…
We can’t wait for the life in front of us now.
Thank you for all that you do, and for our friendship.
Katrin wrote this summary on the outstanding benefits of HDO based on the work of Dr. Johann Lahodny MD, PhD, who is the founder of HDO/10pass ozone therapy:
Ozone is a highly-active oxygen, a biological agent with health-promoting and healing properties. By combining ozone with blood, it creates an oxygen-ozone mixture, which causes healing or significant
improvement in almost all diseases.
Everyone possesses a large amount of stem cells. These cells are undifferentiated cells that move to diseased organs to transform into organspecialized cells and repair them. High-Dose Ozone Therapy stimulates
the production of stem cells and repairs the diseased organ in as little as 2 days.
- Complementary therapy in all cancers. Through direct tumoral-inhibiting effect of oxygen-ozone mixtures, by anti-tumor effect of oxygen-induced interferon production by enormous increase in immune cells and enzyme release. High doses of ozone are able to reduce both primary cancer tumors and cancer metastasis. You can achieve amazing success in latestage cancer.
HDO therapy can also be used for all treatment-resistant chronic diseases such as psoriasis, Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis. - Activation of the immune system. HDO produces a 10-fold increase of eosinophils (highly active immune cells) and an increase in cytotoxic T8-lymphocytes, which are also responsible for tumor cell destruction.
- Inflammation-related diseases. HDO action is based on a direct blockade of pro-inflammatory substances (cytokines) and massive proliferation of immune cells. Chronic sinusitis (maxillary sinusitis), sinusitis (frontal
sinusitis), middle-ear infections, sore throat and fever blisters experienced a rapid and permanent cure using HDO. No other therapy brings such effective aid in these chronic recurrent inflammations. Relief with
conventional medical antibiotics is brief, with the disadvantage of weakening the immune system and damaging the mitochondria to the point of switching it off completely. A speedy new onset of inflammation
is the result. - Circulatory disorders. Ozone oxygen offers effective circulation improvement with very rapid results. I have witnessed very impressive effects of HDO when treating circulatory disorders in the brain, cardiovascular
diseases, hair loss, macular degeneration and tinnitus.
In retinal calcification and dry macular degeneration, ozone therapy is the only measure which brings an improvement. All conventional medical therapies are only able to slow the deterioration. The ozone therapy
achieves an improvement in visual performance of 30-40%, with a remaining visual function (visual acuity) of more than 10 percent. The macular degeneration (retinal calcification) usually begins in the 60th to
70th year of a patient’s life. It is primarily a disease of old age, which is increasing greatly. More and more people are diagnosed earlier with it.
Therefore, prevention is the most important measure. Macular degeneration can calcify the arteries of the retina and cause vision loss or, in some cases, blindness. When HDO is applied on an extended basis, arteries can be healed to become normal, fully functional vessels again.
It also supports the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) forming new blood vessels in the retina, which leads to vision improvement in bad initial condition or restoration of normal vision at the onset of macular
degeneration. Macular degeneration can be prevented by timely oxygen therapy or can be successfully treated in late stages. Oxygen therapy is always combined with orthomolecular measures. Many conventional medical practitioners reject the oxygen therapy. I have obtained beautiful results in chronically-ill patients that were unsuccessfully treated before.
The situation is similar with the ill-bleeding-heart muscle. By stimulating the production of prostacyclin, the smallest heart muscle arteries are expanded to normal vessels. Thus, the myocardial perfusion is restored
first, even with almost closed coronary arteries, so that with 20 ozone therapy sessions bypass surgery is almost unnecessary. This is probably achieved by stimulating VEGF, which promotes neovascularization,
which in a sense represents a newly-created heart muscle. Heart attack and heart failure could be avoided with timely and sufficient oxygen therapy. Improving myocardial performance eliminates fatigue.
Second, the general physical performance is improved within a few hours by the very rapid vasodilation in the heart muscle, but also in all other organs such as liver, kidney and lung—which is why oxygen is used as a doping agent.
For hair loss, the decay of hair roots is brought about by poor circulation. No pharmaceutical drug improves blood circulation so sustainably. After 10-15 oxygen therapies hair begins to grow again. The almost atrophied blood vessels in the hair roots are greatly enhanced by prostacyclin and new vessels are formed. In addition, the removal of toxins and acid is intensified. Because in places where there was no hair (hairline at the forehead and receding hairline—angulation) new hair grows, the rejuvenation must be carried out by the ozone oxygen formation of new hair follicles. Probably the remains of almost entirely perished hair papillae are stimulated to new growth.
Apparently, individual hair-root remnants are ripened by special growth factors which bring about new hair roots. Many small hairs begin to sprout, so that some patients feel almost restored to their youth. They have a boundless sense of rejuvenation.
Oxygen gives the hair its former vitality, strengthening and thickening it. This gives women in particular a new quality of life.
Hearing loss is also based primarily on a circulatory disorder. Usually I see a significant hearing improvement after 10-12 oxygen treatments, even if it was treated by conventional medicine without success for years. Cardiac arrhythmia, poorly healing wounds, heart attack and stroke, dizziness, headache, migraine insofar as it does not come from the spine, tinnitus and sudden deafness, dyslipidemia, athologicallyelevated blood liver function tests (AST, ALT, LDH, gamma GT, alkaline phosphatase) and elevated blood kidney values are all normalized by oxygen. To reestablish the coronary arteries and the rest of the arteries, there are other very effective complementary medical measures in addition to the oxygen therapy
- Detoxifying effect. Oxygen and ozone therapy bring about a rapid excretion of toxins and heavy metals. Excessive accumulation of toxins and heavy metals, especially lead, cadmium and aluminum cause tiredness, exhaustion, physical and mental performance weakness, premature aging, sleep problems, susceptibility to infection and age spots. The oxygen-related detoxification can cause the above-mentioned symptoms to resolve.
- Restores energy. A particularly current and increasing disease is the burnout syndrome (general exhaustion). In orthodox medicine, the burnout syndrome is usually not treated very successfully with months of sleeping pills, tranquillizers and anti-depressants in high doses. In burnout syndrome, the entire body is full of toxins and totally de-energized. The toxins in the body block the function of the excretory organs and the immune system. Damaged mitochondria are responsible for the fatigue. Ozone therapy assists in detoxification, rehabilitation and proliferation of mitochondria, as the mitochondria make energy from oxygen molecules. As complementary therapy, Dr. Lahodny uses vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and electrolytes. With his protocol, burn-out syndrome is cured in 3 weeks. All patients who were treated with oxygen due to other diseases report that fatigue fades, sleep improves, and their hair grows.